Coffee Cake With Coffee!

A frequent bake of my Nans was a coffee sponge.She would sandwich the sponge together with coffee flavored icing and sometimes would decorate the top with whole walnuts.When I moved to the States I discovered that the American coffee cake did not actually contain coffee,moreso a sponge with a brown sugar crumble on top.

The coffee cake that I make is made in a tray pan over the 8 inch round pans my Nan used and it is a very simple recipe that starts out with me stirring 2 tbsps of instant coffee granules with 2 tbsps of boiling water.After that cools for a few minutes I add the flour,baking powder,salt,butter and eggs and bake.

After this beauty is baked for 30 to 35 mins I allow to cool and then go on to make my icing.I use the same principle as the sponge but use just 1 tbsp of instant coffee and 1 tbsp boiling water in the bowl, then add powdered sugar.

This is one of those times when I don't bother to sieve the sugar and yet it still works out beautifully. Living life on the edge.


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