Fruit scones in 20 mins


Being British I grew up with scones.The first ones that I was taught to bake were fruit scones, which can include raisins,sultanas,cranberries or dried apricots. The most readily available in my Nan's kitchen was the almighty dried currant.Her recipe included caster sugar which is a fine granulated sugar and milk.She taught me how to rub in the butter with a little lard (I gads) until the bowl contents looked like dry breadcrumbs. Then add the sugar and fruit and mix together with milk.I have made scones for decades now, improving my cheese scone recipe,(strong flavor is a must) and recently I discovered a recipe that calls for buttermilk and freezing your butter before grating it into the flour. This recipe is from start to finish just 20 mins and you have glorious scones.It also relies on the sugar in the fruit to sweeten rather than adding sugar. Since I always have these ingredients available it's a no brainer for the unexpected guest.If you would like the recipe please ask in comments.


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