Second Paul Hollywood Bread - Pain de Campagne

This is the second bread that I chose to try from the book. I should add that I am attempting these out of order, mainly due to availability of ingredients and also whether I even feel like making it or not. This one was a no-brainer because my friend had just dropped on my porch a bunch of fresh oregano. Paul says that this is a typical french bread and is a bold and hearty loaf. He was right. The fun top is created by simply cutting a square shape with a knife into the dough. I wasn't sure how much "a bunch" of oregano was and it is a very strong herb. I guess it depends on taste but I would warn you not to use a lot.  This was simply delicious and we ate it with a bowl of hot soup. Most of the breads in this book should either be eaten on the same day or frozen. My poor freezer is already getting full with my bakes so I am going to gift the next few ones that I make. Luckily I have a lot of friends and neighbors who are willing to be taste testers. 


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